It is Friday!
I finished my "dollar store" project and am pleased with how it turned out. It will hang in my scrap "closet." I used the word START in the center of my project because it is my word for 2009.
Ali Edwards has championed for sometime the idea of selecting
a word each year. She recommends selecting a word that inspires you. I have decided START will be my word this year. I pondered using CHANGE -- but decided that it did not exactly express my 2009 goals. I SUFFER from a severe case of PROCRASTINATION! There is no medication for my illness. I need to focus on JUST STARTING -- not being afraid of not completing a project or a deadline. If can just start instead of avoiding a given task I know that I will make some progress. The word has already become my mantra and I am pleased to say that it is working. I was avoiding some work and just told myself - no YELLED at myself -- to START!!!! I did not need to finish everything in one sitting but I could at least START. And guess what -- I started. It felt good yall. Real good.
The idea to combine the word START with my "dollar store" project came from
Francine. I saw in the
SISTV gallery her frame project using her word for 2009--GROW. It is beautiful. I decided that I wanted create a similar project with my goodies. TALK ABOUT SYNERGY! I had already purchased my "dolllar store" stuff and posted my video about my idea before I saw her frame. As SOON -- I mean as SOON as-- I saw her frame I knew what I was going to do.
SO THANKS FRAN!!!! She is one creative lady and host multiple blogs. I don't know how she does it. Check her out and leave her some FANTASTIC FRIDAY LUB!
And.....to make my Friday even more FABULOUS I received a box of goodies at my door. Guess who sent them? Watch >>>>>>>>>> to find out! :):):):):):):)
1. Trim paper to desired size. My frame was 8 1/2 by 11 so that is the size that I trimmed my paper for the box.
2. Score all 4 sides of the paper. I scored mine at 1 inch and .5 inch.
3. Where the 1 inch scores lines meet you will have a square in each corner of your paper. Cut out all 4 squares.
4. Fold in the paper on the 1 inch score line.
5. Fold the paper on the .5 score line.
6. Basically -- this is it . You should have a box form at this point.
7. Using a quick drying adhesive, glue the corners of your paper so that your box in a more solid form.
8. Now you can adhere the entire box to a page or project of your choice.