
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Get your scrapbooking supplies from the dollar store

It is a beautiful day!
I am choosing to embrace the gift of another day and I hope that you do the same.
One of my errands this morning was a run to the dollar store and while I was there I found a few goodies. Check out my video to see what I found and what I plan to create.

Smile--its Thursday!
Oops -- it appears the video and sound are not in sync. I used my webcam with this one and I will have to investigate how to fix this synchronization problem. AARGH!


Anonymous said...

What a great tutorial! I really enjoyed it and I may try your ribbon technique.

For some time I've been thinking about adding an occassonal video to my blog and you and Tiare have now inspired me to give it a try.

When you get some time would you mind e-mailing me to walk me through how you actually embed a video. I've looked into it and I'm sorry to say I still have not figured it out-lol. I'm sure it's easier than I'm making it out to be.

Drop me a line (totally at your convenience). I'll be sure to pop back by your site to see what else you're up to.

Take care and happy new year!

Penny said...

Cute video!!! You're adorable!

I think I'll stalk your blog now!


McMGrad89 said...

Aren't you just the cutest. You have way too much energy for me. Hope the ruler project turns out super. BTW I loved the flower tutorial (even if it was sideways. That would be something i would do too.)
best wishes
Annemarie (Mommyvictory)

chris a said...

I'm enjoying your tutorials and look forward to seeing your completed project with the rulers. The dollar store is one of those places that you never know what you might find (as is Big Lots).

Anonymous said...

Okay so tell me why I am going to try that girl, loved the video you are too too adorable, I was smiling the entire time..and thanks for your words of encouragement and motivation..

*big ole fat kisses and hugs*